Ben Chong

Butterfly Effect of Time and Dimension 2 [蝴蝶效应,时刻辉煌 2]

Mixed Media on Canvas
90cm x 90cm

‘When a butterfly flutters its wings in one part of the world, it can eventually cause a hurricane in another’ – Edward Norton Lorez America will experience tornadoes as a result of butterflies flapping their wings across Asia.
Each character represents the result of various encounters and choices.
Kingfisher has lived the legend to tell the tales, – having experienced the Norse mythology, the Mauryan kingdom prior to Christ, the Japanese warrior spirit in the 16th century, the former British kingdom and the Industrial Revolution, and the ambassador of time and space.
I’m hoping that along with you, we’ll travel into the new century as butterflies and influence the future.

从古时的北欧神话,公元前孔雀王朝,16世纪的日本武士精神到之前的大英帝国和工业革命,时空大使— 翠鸟皆见证了传奇。


October 28 @ 14:15

Ben Chong

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