District Infinity [无限的空间, 2023]
Mixed Media on Canvas
122cm x 152cm
Ben envisions a future where humans, artificial intelligence ( AI ) and animals coexist in harmony. They yearn to go back to their former lifestyles, to reconnect with nature and become interdependent with each other. This district is called District Infinity due to the fact that everything within it, are infinite. AI is starting to behave more like humans, moving beyond basic tasks like speech and image recognition to more complex abilities such as emotional analysis and adapting to different environments. AI will only become increasingly intelligent in the future.
Ben thinks that AI will gradually take on human-like characteristics and eventually elevates to god-like status. The future has arrived, and advancements in AI technology will inspire your creativity!
这个区域命名为District Infinity, 因为在这个district任何事情都是无限的可能性。AI的未来发展将更加智能化。从简单的语音识别和图像识别,到复杂的情感分析和环境适应,AI越来越像人类一样思考和行动,Ben相信AI慢慢将会人性化,最终神性化!