Jaee Tee is a contemporary artist based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Her passion and artistry can be found through her artwork. Jaee possesses the skill to effectively convey her emotions and significant thoughts through the utilization of a wide range of mediums including oil, acrylic, Chinese ink, charcoal, among others, employing diverse and impressive techniques. In order to establish connections between the natural world and humanity, she specializes in impasto technique, using expressive brushstrokes and dripped paint. Stories are frequently weaved within her compositions, and her canvas experiments frequently mirror her day-to-day concerns. This indicates that the subject matter and sources of inspiration for her artwork are quite varied, leading to the creation of unique, vibrant, and imaginative pieces.
Although Jaee’s work is situated in Kuala Lumpur, it has reached a broader audience and resonated with a global sentiment. Her artwork is appreciated not only by locals but also by collectors worldwide. To mention only a few, her artworks have been exhibited in several locations, including the contemporary art museum in Milan, Italy, and the National Art Gallery of Maldives. She also received commendation within her community, including her recent local engagements at the CIMB Artober 2021 event, the Telur Pecah Exhibition at GMBB KL, and her participation in the recent Distant Horizon group exhibition held at the Sutra Foundation. Achille Bonito Oliva, a renowned expert, has chosen her artwork to be featured in the esteemed publication called “Atlas of Contemporary Art” by De Agostini. She has a strong presence in Asia with numerous art galleries in Singapore and Malaysia showcasing her work. Her works are also collected by many private and corporate clients across the world.
“I believe my work is filled with strong emotional content,” Jaee said in her artist statement. “Texture is my language. I lay it down in a dance with the surface and watch it transform into shapes and forms.” In the eyes of Jaee Tee, art is liberation. It allows an honest, genuine and freeing sense of expressivity that is found nowhere else.”
Jaee Tee 是一位居住在马来西亚吉隆坡的当代艺术家。她的热情和艺术才华可以通过她的艺术作品找到。 Jaee 擅长运用油画、丙烯、水墨、木炭等多种媒介,运用多样且令人印象深刻的技法,有效地传达她的情感和重要思想。为了建立自然世界与人类之间的联系,她专门研究厚涂技术,使用富有表现力的笔触和滴漆。故事经常编织在她的作品中,她的画布实验经常反映她的日常担忧。这表明她的艺术作品的主题和灵感来源非常多样化,从而创造出了独特、充满活力和富有想象力的作品。
尽管 Jaee 的作品位于吉隆坡,但它已经吸引了更广泛的受众并引起了全球情绪的共鸣。她的艺术作品不仅受到当地人的赞赏,也受到世界各地收藏家的赞赏。仅举几例,她的作品曾在多个地点展出,包括意大利米兰当代艺术博物馆和马尔代夫国家美术馆。她还在社区内获得了赞扬,包括她最近参加的 CIMB Artober 2021 活动、GMBB KL 的 Telur Pecah 展览以及最近在 Sutra 基金会举办的《遥远的地平线》群展的参与。著名专家阿奇尔·博尼托·奥利瓦 (Achille Bonito Oliva) 选择将她的作品刊登在德·阿戈斯蒂尼 (De Agostini) 出版的名为“当代艺术地图集”的受人尊敬的出版物中。她在亚洲拥有强大的影响力,新加坡和马来西亚的众多艺术画廊都展示她的作品。她的作品也被世界各地许多私人和企业客户收藏。
对Jaee来说, 她的作品呈现了丰富且强烈的情感内容。她透过彩色所呈现出来的质感,仿如让彩色在表面轻盈的起舞,帆布就是它的舞台,作为画家就是见证了彩色在这个过程里的转变和形成。在J的眼里,艺术象征着自由。艺术让诚信,纯真,无所不在的自由表达想法。